Official ObjectGraph Blog

Monday, April 09, 2007

Guide to use screencasting to save time of programmers for free

You might think, "I'm coding guy, not movie guy", but I know what you hate if you are a programmer: Documentation and Training. I was impressed by some OSS communities, Like Ruby On Rails guys, because they demonstrated the power of screencast in their movies. After I start using screencast softwares, it released me from tons of burdens to explain how-to-use-it for my end users. I save time for training, and user's undersdanding level increases.


Wink is a completed package in order to publish your movie tutorial. This is basic steps:

  1. Create a New Project
  2. Select capture area. At this point, you are able to choose rectangle area or each window. This window selection is very neat because it allows me to choose inside tab of my browser.
  3. Hit Shift-Pause to start. Do the same thing to stop.
  4. Edit the movie if you need. You are able to add speech bubbles, rounded rectangle, arrows, and so on.
  5. Render and publish. You might save this project as *.wnk file.

I had some problems to capture my secondaly monitor, but it works pretty well if you use it in regular way. A lot of features are included in this software, but it's designed to use in minimal steps.




I had some problems to play video on FireFox 2.0, however it's quick and easy. Recording steps are minimized.

  1. Hit the record button
  2. Select the capture area and go. It will start recording right after you release button from the rectangle area.
  3. When you stopp it, it will ask you where to save.

After finding Wink, I just use this when I need to dump my screen cast into avi, but it still useful and extream minimized steps to use.


posted by Kiichi Takeuchi at 9:22 AM


  • What about Camtasia? They have a good product but i know its not free

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:11 PM  

  • Yes, that's very good product and the price is reasonable. For this time, I limited the target for free softwares to encourage people to use it.

    By Blogger Kiichi Takeuchi, at 5:57 PM  

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