Official ObjectGraph Blog
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
iPhone Dictionary
Just finished learning about the viewport metatag and implemeted this for dictionary on iPhone. Usage: Just type a few words and click on the reference.
Labels: iphone ajax dictionary
posted by gavi at 11:34 AM | 2 comments |
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
onkeyup and iPhone
I got my iPhone a while ago and only now started looking at some development. Naturally i am trying to get our AJAX Dictionary to work on iPhone.
But looks like iPhone does not support the onkeyup event in Javascript. Actually it does not support a bunch of keyboard events (there is no real physical keyboard on iphone, so its hard to distinquish keyup, keydown etc), so i am thiking of just putting a button after the text is inputted.
There is an onchange event but it only triggers if you focus outside the textbox. Here is the first version of it.
Labels: iphone development
posted by gavi at 12:59 PM | 0 comments |
Friday, July 06, 2007
Today I found something cool for drawing graphs. Its called GraphViz, You can download it from
It can output in various formats including SVG, PNG and GIF. But PNG and GIF dont have aliasing enabled, so they are pretty crappy.
For an example, look here. An image generated using PNG output,5
Now look @ an another random graph with SVG output,5
Here is the python code to generate the graphs. I used Django ofcourse
def randomGraph(request): #Defaults for Generating random graphs random.seed() numnodes=5 format="svg" size="2,2" mime="image/svg+xml" if "format" in request.GET: infor=request.GET["format"] if(infor=="png"): mime="image/png" format="png" elif(infor=="gif"): mime="image/gif" format="gif" if "size" in request.GET: size=request.GET["size"] if "numnodes" in request.GET: numnodes=int(request.GET["numnodes"]) dot="""digraph G{ size ="%s"; orientation=portrait; {{{dot}}} }""" % (size) nodes=[] shapes=['ellipse','box','circle','record','triangle','doublecircle'] styles=['bold','dotted','normal'] colors=['cadetblue2','dimgray','dodgerblue1','beige','aliceblue','ghostwhite', 'greenyellow','hotpink4','lightgoldenrod2'] st="" for i in range(numnodes): nodes.append("a"+str(i)); for node in nodes: s1=random.randint(0,len(shapes)-1) c1=random.randint(0,len(colors)-1) st=st+" %s [shape=%s fillcolor=%s style=filled];\n" %(node,shapes[s1],colors[c1]) for i in range(numnodes): r1=random.randint(0,numnodes-1) r2=random.randint(0,numnodes-1) s2=random.randint(0,len(styles)-1) st=st+nodes[r1]+"->"+nodes[r2]+" [style=%s];\n" %(styles[s2]) dot=dot.replace("{{{dot}}}",st) tmpout, filename = mkstemp() pobj=Popen('dot -T%s -o %s' % (format,filename),shell=True,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE) fin = pobj.stdin fout = pobj.stdout fin.write(dot) fin.flush() fin.close() pobj.wait() fout = os.fdopen(tmpout, 'r') jpeg = fout.close() os.remove(filename) #jpeg=dot return HttpResponse(content=jpeg, mimetype='%s' % (mime))
Labels: graphviz python
posted by gavi at 4:09 PM | 2 comments |
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Looks like iPhone crash reports!
Just connected my iPhone to sync it and charge it (BTW the battery claims are totally false - you get may be 4 hours with wifi), Here is the screen shot.
Here is a file in the details..
Process: Exited process [24] Path: Exited process Version: N/A (N/A) Code Type: 0000000C (Native) Effective UID: 0 Parent Process: mach_kernel [Unknown] Date/Time: 2007-07-01 19:41:17.651 -0400 OS Version: OS X 1.0 (1A543a) Report Version: 6 Exception Type: 00000020 Exception Codes: 0x8badf00d Crashed Thread: Unknown Backtrace not available Unknown thread crashed with unknown flavor: 4, state_count: 1 Binary Images:
Labels: iphone bug
posted by gavi at 11:11 PM | 0 comments |
iPhone Bug?
Just got hands on my own iPhone after learning they were still available on 5th Avenue Store, I just could not resist it being only 20 blocks away!
First this device rocks. Very easy activation and extremely easy to use.
Every application seems to be stable and working great. But there seems to a problem when multitasking listening to music and browsing the web at the same time. My friend Horinaga found this bug and i was able to reproduce it.
It could be a quick software fix! Anyway i love the iPhone.
Labels: iphone bug
posted by gavi at 10:21 PM | 0 comments |